Expert ICD-10-CM Coders in Bellevue WA

Expert ICD-10-CM Coders in Bellevue WA

Are you looking for help with ICD 10 codes? If so, you are not alone. The transition to ICD 10 is not easy. That is because tens of thousands of new codes have been added and there are not many one-to-one correspondences between the old and new codes. If you are a health plan that needs help with the transition to ICD-10-CM coding in Bellevue WA, HCC Coders is here to help. Keep reading to learn more about HCC Coders and how we can help with your ICD-10-CM coding needs.

Who is HCC Coders?

HCC Coders is a division of Datafied that specializes in medical coding. Our goal is to help health plans improve the accuracy of their coding so that they can obtain full reimbursements. We connect health plans with our certified coders to help with either complete outsourcing of ICD-10-CM coding or reviewing the work in-house coders have completed.

Why is ICD-10-CM coding important?

You might think the transition to ICD-10-CM coding is a hassle, but there are many benefits to it, including:

  • Modernizing the entire code set
  • Ensuring consistency in terminology
  • Allowing for unique coding of inpatient hospital procedures
  • Enabling reporting of laterality in diagnosis (right vs. left arm, eye, kidney, etc.)
  • Providing significant room for expansion, allowing for the code set to incorporate new procedures and devices

What services does HCC Coders offer in Bellevue WA?

So, what services does HCC Coders offer in Bellevue WA? We can help with the transition to ICD-10-CM coding and other services, including:

  • Complete and accurate abstraction of codes from all types of charts
  • Validation of ICD 9 and ICD 10 diagnosis codes with medical records
  • Retrospective risk adjustment
    • Code validation
    • Error checks
    • Part C and Part D coding
  • Prospective risk adjustment
    • Prospective annual visit forms
    • Improved submission speed and accuracy
  • Updates on changes in coding and reporting regulations

For reliable ICD-10-CM coding in Bellevue WA, contact HCC Coders today!

Are you looking for help with your ICD-10-CM coding in Bellevue WA? If so, HCC Coders is the company to call. We have over 2024 years of experience when it comes to ICD-10-CM and HCC coding and we will be happy to assist with your coding needs. Our goal is to improve patient care while helping you maximize reimbursements and as a division of Datafied, you can trust us to do just that. Give us a call today at 877-328-2343 to discuss your needs and get started.

To learn more about the reliable and quality HCC coding services that we offer, visit us on the web at HCC Coders.