HCC Coding – Are You Doing it Right at Your Facility?

HCC Coding – Are You Doing it Right at Your Facility?
HCC Coding is an important factor when it comes to staying above the red, but there are many facilities that are struggling to stay on top of it. Have you been wondering if your facility is doing HCC coding properly at your facility?

Why are HCC Codes important?

When doing anything, it’s important to know the reason behind the work. So, why are HCC Codes important? Well, HCC coding is a prospective model. This coding allows you to take patient diagnoses for one year to predict what the medical costs for that patient will be the following year. With value-based care, you should be documenting diagnoses with extreme specificity. By doing this, you will get a more complete picture of the costs and status of patient’s health. This then factors into how your claims are reimbursed by payers, which is why accuracy and specificity are so important.

How can I improve the HCC codes at my facility?

If you are looking to improve scores at your health facility, there are a few methods you can employ. The first is to educate physicians and coders. Reiterate the importance of coding and prompt them to make sure the latest information is being documented. Also, encourage them to stay up to date on the latest rules and regulations that overshadow the healthcare industry.
Another method is to update technologies. If there is an issue with your HER, it is going to bring down the efficiency of your HCC coding. By investing in a technology update you can improve workflow and ensure that HCC coding functionality remains high.
Finally, helping physicians manage their time properly is important. They already have enough on their plates when it comes to seeing patients, but you should ensure they have adequate time to accurately document diagnoses and treatments in details so that your coders have what they need to complete work.

How can HCC Coders help my facility improve today?

At HCC Coders, we know the ins and outs of the coding industry. We are up to date on the latest codes and regulations. If you want to improve the coding at your facility, why not get matched with one of the certified coders from our team of HCC coders? We hire only the most elite coders in the medical industry, so you can rest assured that you will be getting the assistance you need.
What can HCC Coders actually do for your facility? Well, it all depends on what you want us to do. Through HCC Coders you can completely outsource all of your HCC Coding tasks or you can just have us review and audit the work you’ve already completed to ensure that you in house coders are working correctly. No matter what you choose, you can rest assured that the high-quality coders at HCC Coders will help maximize your Medicare Advantage reimbursements and ensure that you are receiving all of the funds you are entitled to.
To learn more or get started with HCC Coders today, give us a call at 877-328-2343 or email info@datafied.com.